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加伦加荣获多项证书: jialunjia awarded many certificates
█ 阿联酋迪拜认证证书(中国获该认证的饮用天然泉水生产企业)
united arab emirates dubai certification. (the first certified mountain spring water producer of china).
█ hits检验合格证书 (迪拜政府指定的检验机构)
hits certificate of inspection (inspection institutions designated by the government of the dubai)
█ 中国华测检验合格证书 (中国著名的检测机构).
certificate of inspection by cti of china (cti = centre testing international, is a famous testing institution of china)
█ sgs检验合格证书 (国际认可的著名检测机构)
sgs certificate of inspection (internationally recognized testing institution)
█ 2015佛山市第二届茶文化节唯一指定用水(官方授权)
jialunjia is the only designated water for the second tea culture festival of foshan 2015 (official authorization)
█ 2017中国水博览会宁夏国际水展唯一指定用水(官方授权)
jialnujia is the only designated water for ningxia international water fair of china 2017 (official authorization)
█ 获资质出口阿联酋迪拜的饮用天然泉水生产企业
jialnujia became the first chinese company to be qualified to export to dubai, united arab emirates
█ 阿拉伯商务考察团前来加伦加考察
arabia business delegation to visit to jialunjia factory